If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Last week I had another trip to the vet. I thought it might be time to go back because it had been four Sundays since my last trip. Sure enough, Monday morning Cat-Mommy had me in the pillow case and then in the carrier before I knew it! Then into the car, then into the vet, then into the office, and then into the shiny silver room without Cat-Mommy. But something was different this time. I only had one pointy-sticky and was back out in no time! Apparently I had cleverly lowered my “blood count”, whatever that is. So instead of the second pointy-sticky that makes me nauseous I got a special reward: a “follow-up visit”. Since we went home immediately I decided that I like follow-up visits because you get to go home early and skip nasty chemotherapy.

How wrong I was! It turns out that a follow-up visit is when Cat-Daddy surprises you only a few days later with another pillowcase-carrier-car-vet-office-shiny-room drill…with another full complement of pointy-stickies! And he had to drop me off so I was in the noisy scary room for almost seven hours. Apparently this is because one of the Oncologists at the vet had left. I can’t say I blame her, leaving is very my favorite thing do do at the vet. But eventually Cat-Daddy rescued me and took me straight home. Here’s a picture of my first post-ordeal-meal:

olive and matt eating closeup

I had to have a pill (yick) before eating anything but I had a very good appetite. The vet says there’s still no sign of “recurrence” (whatever that is) which is why I feel so good these days. I was so hungry I had a second meal shortly after the first one. I even allowed Big Bother, Pounce de Leon, to eat in my presence. You doubt me? Here’s proof:

olive and pounce eating


So if at first you don’t succeed…find a better place to hide!

7 thoughts on “If At First You Don’t Succeed…

  1. We are glad you are feeling better and the the vet was so short. That is a very funny cat with you in the first picture. He wears something funny over his eyes. we can also see that the your big b(r)other is still really BIG but at least we could stand him for a few minutes

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