A Big Day Tomorrow

Over the past few days Cat-Daddy has been very nervous about something. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I thought it had something do do with me. Sure enough, he sat me down today for a “talk”. Cat-Daddy is nervous because tomorrow morning I’ll need to have “chest x-rays”…whatever those are. I hope they’re like treats. Personally I think Cat-Daddy is worried about nothing. I’ve had treats every day (usually twice or three times a day!) for months, I’ve slept in the cat-pile every night, and we have soft, soft food at least once a week. Best of all, the weather is changing and we’re starting one of my favorite seasons: flaking-by-the-fire season! Below is a picture of me and Pounce de Leon flaking by the fire in the library.

olive and pounce sleeping

Look how relaxed and cat-like the boy is! It’s a big change from some of his antics. Here’s a picture of Pounce sitting in a most un-catlike pose. Notice his front leg veritably dripping off the stair he’s sitting on. Honestly! In cat circles we call this “leakage”.

pounce with overflow on stairs

Here’s an even worse example of Pounce’s leakage; this time both legs are dripping off the edge of our bench:

Pounce with Antennae

Cat-Daddy is looking worried again so I think I’ll go sit on his lap and purr for a few hours. I’ll sign off for now but will give you an update tomorrow and let you know what the “chest x-rays” turn out to be and how they taste.

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